Chichester: 01243 973600


Chichester: 01243 973600


Chichester: 01243 973600


Chichester: 01243 973600

Chichester: 01243 973600

Chichester: 01243 973600


Chichester: 01243 973600


Chichester: 01243 973600


Chichester: 01243 973600


Chichester: 01243 973600

The importance of socialising as part of good care

Jo Morgan, Clinical Nurse Vitale Care

Social isolation can exacerbate various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. For people living with dementia, Parkinson’s, or stroke, the consequences can be particularly profound. Lack of social interaction may accelerate cognitive deterioration, hinder mobility, and impede emotional resilience. 

Isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and lead to a diminished sense of purpose and belonging.

Vitale’s Community Engagement team support groups in Chichester, East Wittering, Selsey and Bognor Regis. We invest in bringing dexterity, craft, music and exercise sessions to people living with dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke, mobility and frailty issues, or just feeling a little lonely and isolated. 

Vitale Care Registered Manager Nicola Munday explains, “Our approach to care is very much about supporting, encouraging and helping people to get out and about in their local community. Whether it’s a trip to buy shoes, a medical appointment or joining in an activity at the local garden centre, Vitale believes in the positive power of community.”

“Individuals with dementia often face difficulties in communication and memory retention, making social interactions daunting. They may struggle to engage in conversations or express themselves coherently, leading to frustration and withdrawal. Similarly, Parkinson’s disease can manifest motor impairments and speech difficulties, posing barriers to social engagement. Stroke survivors may contend with physical disabilities, aphasia, and cognitive impairments, further complicating their ability to interact effectively,” explains Vitale’s Clinical Nurse Jo Morgan

Our approach

Tailored Activities: Designing activities suited to interests and abilities can foster meaningful interactions. For instance, memory games, art therapy, or music sessions can stimulate cognitive function and evoke positive emotions.

Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere is essential. Our Care Professionals offer encouragement, patience, and reassurance, facilitating a sense of safety and belonging for those with cognitive or physical challenges.

Communication Techniques: Employing clear and concise communication techniques can enhance comprehension and engagement. Using visual aids, gestures, and simple language can aid individuals with dementia or aphasia in expressing themselves and understanding others.

Technology Integration: Leveraging technology can facilitate social connections, especially in the digital age. Our Care Professionals can help set up video calls with family members to bridge geographical distances and enhance social engagement.

Professional Support: Collaborating with other healthcare professionals, such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists, can enrich socialisation interventions. Multidisciplinary approaches ensure holistic care tailored to individual needs.

Prioritising socialisation is paramount for safeguarding mental well-being and quality of life. As professional carers, we must recognise the unique challenges faced by individuals with dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke, and adopt tailored strategies to promote social engagement. By fostering meaningful interactions, creating supportive environments, and leveraging innovative approaches, we can empower seniors to thrive socially, cognitively, and emotionally in their later years. 

If you or a loved one is looking for care that helps you live the life you love, contact us.  We can book a care assessment within 24 hours and your care can begin as soon as you are ready.